In recent years, the Paris CPAM (Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie) has been the French Social Security registration for holders of a “Talent Passport” residence permit.
Please note that this registration may need to change over time.
Indeed, if you decide on the expiry date of your current residence permit to stay in France and to request, on this occasion, another residence permit (EU Long Term Residence card, for example), this will have an impact on your Social Security.
This impact will not be immediate.
But if you lose your “Carte Vitale” or if you need to register to the “CPAM” on your own because you can no longer benefit from the Social Security via your spouse, your Social Security will change on this occasion.
Like French nationals, you will now be attached to the CPAM, the location of which will depend on your place of residence.
The Paris CPAM is competent only for persons holding a residence permit bearing the mention “Talent Passport”.
If the Residence Permit changes, so does the CPAM, and this is good to know.