Immigration Updates – 17th of March

Contributor(s): Daniel King
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    On 9 March 2023, the Italian government approved a new decree, amending Italian immigration law. The decree will be converted into law by parliament within 60 days from its publication in the official gazette on 10 March 2023 (i.e. 9 May 2023).

    Some of the below changes may be amended by parliament before the decree is converted:

    • Residence permits for work and family purposes are renewable for three years, rather than two years as currently.
    • It will be possible to convert study residence permits into work permits without being subject to quota limitations, including for students not graduating in Italy.
    • The quota will be updated every three years rather than every year (via the Decreto Flussi).
    • Foreign nationals may engage in work-related activities while waiting for the contract of stay to be signed.


    The government of Portugal has frozen the processing of new applications for golden visas submitted after 16 February 2023.

    On that date, the government announced its intention to cancel the golden visa scheme, officially known as the Residence Permit for Investment (ARI). However, the proposed law must first be publicly debated, then approved by parliament and ratified by the president.

    In the meantime, ARI holders who seek to renew their visas are now required to provide proof of permanent tax residence by the holder or their descendants, or a lease agreement proving that the house is rented out for housing for at least five years. The respective proof must be submitted within 90 days of the expiry of the ARI.

    Renewal applications that are currently pending will have to be supported by one of the above proofs.

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