New rates for au pairs
New rates for monthly allowance and for the amount to help finance Danish language classes, came into effect on 1 January 2025
The new rate for the monthly allowance (pocket money) is DKK 5000, and the new rate for the amount that helps finance Danish language classes is DKK 20,000.
The new rates apply to au pair applications that are submitted 1 January 2025 and onwards. The application’s submission date determines what rate applies to your application. The submission date is the date when the application has been:
- received at a diplomatic mission or at a visa application centre
- received at one of SIRI’s branch offices
- received by SIRI as physical mail or via SIRI’s contact form
- submitted by using the online application form AU1.
This means that the submission date is not dependent on when the applicant begins to fill out the application form or when the application is signed by the applicant. For instance, if the application process begins in December 2024, but the application itself is not submitted until January 2025, it is the rates for 2025 that apply to the application.
The rates will be updated on the application page on 1 January 2025.
Cap on foreign workers lowered
In a decree issued by the National Economy Minister, Hungary has lowered the cap on the number of work permits issued to non-European Union nationals to 35,000 for 2025.
The ministry noted that the cap was less than half of the regulatory maximum: the average number of unfilled workplaces in the previous four quarters, or 71,000, according to data from the Central Statistics Office (KSH).
New decree limits foreign worker eligibility
Government Decree 450/2024 on the employment of guest workers in Hungary was published and came into force on 1 January 2025.
According to the new legislation, only citizens of countries listed as having valid readmission agreements can be employed in Hungary with a residence permit for the purpose of employment or as guest workers – currently this includes only Armenia and Georgia.
The decree states that citizens of other third countries can also be employed in Hungary if their state has an organization or office in Hungary officially recognised by that country which commits to ensuring compliance with Hungarian national and European Union legislation on the admission and residence of third-country nationals and in case of non-compliance, its national leaves the territory of Hungary and returns to the certain state of origin.
The Minister responsible for foreign policy will publish the list of these countries in a Communication included in the Official Bulletin.
Applications for residence permits for guest workers submitted by 31 December 2024 are unaffected for nationals of the following countries: Brazil, Colombia, Georgia, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Philippines, Venezuela and Vietnam.
Details announced of cancellation of golden visa program
The Spanish government has published a law which includes provisions cancelling the investor visa programme (“golden visa”) effective 3 April 2025.
The law, once effective, repeals articles 63-67 of the Entrepreneurs Law (Law 14/2013) which include details of the golden visa programme.
Applications submitted before 3 April 2025 will be processed under the existing rules. Even after 3 April 2025, golden visas issued before that date can be renewed according to the current rules.
United Kingdom
Updated guidance for sponsors of foreign workers
On 31 December 2024, the government published updated guidance for sponsors of workers and temporary workers.
The guidance has been updated to reflect a commitment given in the Written Ministerial Statement of 28 November 2024 to prohibit the passing on of Skilled Worker sponsor licence or Certificate of Sponsorship fees to sponsored workers by the end of 2024; to prohibit sponsors from sponsoring workers in a personal capacity; and to make some other minor amendments and clarifications.
New paragraphs have been added to prohibit sponsors from sponsoring workers in a personal capacity:
L1.7. We will not grant you a licence if you intend to sponsor workers in a personal capacity, such as in either of following circumstances:
- you are an individual person or household who wishes to employ or engage a worker, or workers, in a personal capacity and you are not otherwise conducting business or providing a service in the UK
- the worker, or workers, will be employed by, or engaged for the personal benefit of, an individual who works for your organisation, or a close relative or partner of that individual, and the role is unrelated to your organisation’s wider activities
L1.8. If you have, or are granted, a sponsor licence, you must not use your licence to sponsor workers in a personal capacity as defined above. If we find you have done this, we will normally revoke your licence. If you have previously been permitted to sponsor workers in a personal capacity, you must not assign any further Certificates of Sponsorship to sponsor workers on this basis.
The only exception to this rule is for private servants in the household of a diplomat or a member of a recognised international organisation, who can be sponsored under the “Sponsor an International Agreement worker” rules.
A new paragraph L6.17 expressly prohibits Skilled Worker sponsors from passing on the cost of the sponsor licence fee or associated administrative costs from 31 December 2024 or the Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) fee (for CoS assigned on or after 31 December 2024) or the Immigration Skills Charge.
Further amendments and clarifications are listed here.