Czechia Immigration services

Information and local updates

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The Employee Card for local hires or assignees is initially issued for up to two years and is renewable. Some companies and assignments may qualify for a fast-track procedure. The Temporary Work Permit applies to foreign nationals who need to perform temporary work activities for a company in Czechia for up to 90 days. Applicants may enter on this temporary status while their long-term work and residence application in process.

The EU Blue Card for highly skilled employees and the EU Intra-Company Transfer Permit are also available. For assignees posted from an EU country, the sending company must notify the labour office by the first day of work. All foreign workers hired locally must be registered with the labour office prior to or on the first day of work.

Local updates

Immigration Updates
Immigration updates – 21st of November
Immigration updates
Immigration updates – 17th of October
Immigration updates
Immigration updates – 23rd of August
Immigration Updates
Immigration updates – 28th of June
Immigration updates
Immigration updates – 14th of June
European Parliament
The Recast of the Single Permit Directive: Enhancing Rights and Simplifying Procedures for Third-Country Nationals
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