
Information and local updates

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The combined work and residence permit is subject to a labour market test and a local employment contract in Slovakia.

The EU Blue Card for highly skilled employees and the EU Intra-Company Transfer Permit are also available.

Non-EEA nationals employed by a home entity in another EEA country and sent on short term assignment to Slovakia for the provision of temporary services do not require a work permit. Those resident in non-Schengen EEA countries must apply for a temporary residence permit prior to travel to Slovakia.

Some work-related activities are allowed without a work permit for non-EEA nationals assigned from outside the EEA for up to 90 days in a year to fulfil contractual obligations to a Slovakian client company or assist with a short technical project.

Local updates

Immigration Updates
Immigration updates – 21st of November
Immigration updates
Immigration updates – 17th of October
Immigration updates
Immigration updates – 23rd of August
Immigration Updates
Immigration updates – 28th of June
European Parliament
The Recast of the Single Permit Directive: Enhancing Rights and Simplifying Procedures for Third-Country Nationals
Immigration Updates
Immigration updates – 24th of May
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