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Switzerland uses a system of annual quotas for certain permit types.
The B permit is issued indefinitely for local contracts and up to four years for assignments. If the B permit quota is filled, the applicant may be granted an L permit.
The L permit is issued for up to one years (renewable up to two years) for local contracts or assignments.
The short-term permit for work stays of up to 4 months in a 12-month period is exempt from the quota system.
Foreign nationals working in Switzerland for 120 days or less in a 12-month period can apply for a 120-day work permit, which is exempt from quotas. Work is permitted for up to 90 days in a six-month period.
Workers posted from outside the EEA may work in Switzerland for up to eight days per calendar year per person without a work permit or registration. Workers posted from within the EEA may work in Switzerland without a work permit or registration for up to eight days per calendar year per person per sending company. The 8-Day Work Permit Exemption does not apply to certain industries.
A quota-free 90-day notification without a work permit may apply to EEA-national applicants locally hired in Switzerland and any foreign nationals posted to Switzerland from the EEA or UK for more than eight days but less than 90 working days in a calendar year.
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